Be an Executive Producer On Our New Album!

Hello Friends! Maybe you heard the news? We’re making a new album with our long-time producer/collaborator Eric “Roscoe” Ambel. The songs are all there and recording is underway! We’re shooting for a Spring 2015 release on Bloodshot Records. Bloodshot has always been very supportive and this time is no different (best record label ever!!!). But we’re trying something different with this album. Basically, instead of traveling to New York and trying to make the entire record in a single 10-day period, we’re breaking it up into several 4-day sessions at Sawhorse Studios in Saint Louis. This way we can focus more on the music and not be up against the clock. We’ve already recorded the first four songs and everything is sounding amazing. We want to keep the quality high and make the best possible album for you. Doing it this way is costing more than our previous albums, so we came up with a plan to raise funds for anyone who wants to help and you’ll get some very cool limited edition stuff in exchange.

Here’s the deal:

Executive Producer Package

1. Limited Edition “Executive Producer” T-shirt.
This new shirt was designed by the incredibly talented Chris Kro and is only available as part of this fund raiser. There will be no re-prints after the sales period is over.

2. Limited Edition Postcard with Demo Song Download Code.
Postcard with a download code to get an exclusive demo recording of a song from the album. Not available anywhere else.

3. Your name in the liner notes of our new album.
That’s right! We’ll put your name in the liner notes of our new album as an executive producer.


The fund raiser will end on Tuesday, January 12. All packages will be shipped to arrive by February 14th.

That’s it. Your support is greatly appreciated! We think this will be your favorite Bottle Rockets album yet.

The Bottle Rockets
Brian, Mark, John and Keith

* Please note: The new album is not included in this limited edition merchandise package. The album will be available for purchase in-stores and online from Bloodshot Records later in the spring (exact release date TBA).